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Braindeath: "vote de_dust2"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map fy_iceworld2k
Match July 24, 2003, 21:59:11
Player Braindeath
Time July 24, 2003, 22:25:58
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
22:55 WhiteAsian   nextmap
23:22 Braindeath   ach ich war der letzte
24:38 Braindeath   grad wenn ich wegschaue ahhh
24:46 T [ Drop Weapon ]
25:43 WhiteAsian   vote bspmap
25:58 Braindeath CT vote de_dust2
26:18 T [ Drop Weapon ]
27:37 Ra   ich bin sauer
27:49 T [ Drop Weapon ]
29:06 scout ist scheisse :D   ich nap
29:14 Braindeath   joa

[Hide Scoreboard]

4 Counter-Terrorists - 31 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides 32 18 0 0
[ToBo] Zaphod von Zange 31 35 1 0
Ra 20 29 0 0
sky 1 1 0 0
  4 Terrorists - 33 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
[ToBo] von Feilkloben 30 41 0 1
Braindeath 28 10 0 0
WhiteAsian 26 35 0 0
scout ist scheisse :D 2 1 0 0
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