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#mdz | Lucky: "stell mal lauter"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_aztec
Match June 30, 2003, 15:28:12
Player #mdz | Lucky
Time June 30, 2003, 15:54:56
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
53:56 Winona Ryder T ak-m4
54:07 #mdz | Lucky T awm
54:31 Winona Ryder T ak-m4
54:50 #mdz | Lucky T du bist so leise
54:54 #mdz | Wasserspritze T k
54:56 #mdz | Lucky CT stell mal lauter
55:06 #mdz | Lucky T campt
55:21 #mdz | Lucky T du die gerade
55:27 #mdz | Lucky T ich tor
55:53 DiscoSTU   lol
56:25 H3ll   so was ne ich

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