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[ToBo] von Meissel: "babba du camper"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_winternights
Match April 11, 2003, 19:12:38
Player [ToBo] von Meissel
Time April 11, 2003, 19:36:20
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
34:02 AcidFace   ey ich seh gar nix
34:06 *babba*   weiber
35:27 -=cannonfood=- profivo T Take Cover! I'm Throwing a High Explosive Grenade!
35:33 -=cannonfood=- profivo T Shield Your Eyes! I'm Throwing a Flashbang!
35:54 -=cannonfood=- profivo T Shield Your Eyes! I'm Throwing a Flashbang!
36:20 [ToBo] von Meissel CT babba du camper
36:28 *babba*   schastzi
37:18 *babba*   schatziiii
37:23 *babba*   *ggg*
37:25 [ToBo] von Meissel   schmatz
37:26 *babba*   -- !n Y4 F4c3 D!gg3r --

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