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-|SoI|- Tekener: "ihihi"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_chinatown
Match February 15, 2003, 21:32:15
Player -|SoI|- Tekener
Time February 15, 2003, 21:45:50
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
45:25 [ToBo] von Meissel T schneller tippen
45:30 c$n.HrvaT*t* T hehe
45:31 |YY|Raptor_FFm   hi all.. bin wieder da
45:35 -|SoI|- Madball   nextmap
45:49 c$n.Xerber   sorry maddi
45:50 -|SoI|- Tekener CT ihihi
45:50 |YY|KartoffelGespenst   bah wo geht dat hier lang
45:50 -|SoI|- Doc Green   schoen tek
45:53 -|SoI|- Madball T ForGIve tA
45:54 -|SoI|- Madball T FoRGivE Tk
45:59 c$n.Xerber   thx

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