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Jose Antonio Fernandez: "vorsicht awp"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_village
Match February 11, 2003, 17:33:03
Player Jose Antonio Fernandez
Time February 11, 2003, 17:43:02
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
42:23 LIFEsTOOshort   tpoint?
42:30 Jose Antonio Fernandez   oje dann lieber parma ;)
42:34 Yeloff.xl   muuuhaahaahaaha
42:46 LIFEsTOOshort T axl der server succkt oder kennst du noch jeman hier>
42:54 Yeloff.xl   ja :D
43:02 Jose Antonio Fernandez CT vorsicht awp
43:25 Jose Antonio Fernandez   ach...
43:29 Jose Antonio Fernandez   wasn schwachsinn
43:55 Jose Antonio Fernandez   lifeistooshort for bombdefusion
44:00 LIFEsTOOshort T wen denn?
44:07 Yeloff.xl T jone

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