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[-SONS-]***Sir_Dodger***: "***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: Colt M4A1 Carbine *** "

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_estate
Match March 24, 2001, 00:22:11
Player [-SONS-]***Sir_Dodger***
Time March 24, 2001, 00:28:35
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
27:48 -|SoI|- J.J. Binks   was is mit acid hacke??
27:56 -|SoI|- -=HACKE=-   keine ahnung
28:03 5e|CSMadMax   nextmap
28:03 -|SoI|- J.J. Binks   schon die 2te map ohne ihn
28:09 5e|CSMadMax   timeleft
28:35 [-SONS-]***Sir_Dodger*** CT ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
28:35 -|SoI|- J.J. Binks T >>>Zur Sicherheit: KEVLAR & HELMET<<<
28:36 -|SoI|- J.J. Binks T >>>Sperrfeuer mit der FN M249 PARABELLUM<<<
28:56 [-SONS-]-=Ragnarock=-   toll max
28:59 [-SONS-]-=Ragnarock=-   echt subba
29:03 5e|CSMadMax   was willst du man

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