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-|SoI|- J.J. Binks: "man"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map as_tundra
Match March 23, 2001, 21:54:31
Player -|SoI|- J.J. Binks
Time March 23, 2001, 22:51:48
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
51:33 []Glocke[]   schnauze voll!
51:34 Gravedigger   stop it
51:46 5e|CSMadMax   was gehtn mit euch
51:47 -=]DMW]=-Julster T [° -= $tatus Buy: AK47/Colt-M4A1 Carbine + Prim. Ammo =- °]
51:47 [-SONS-]***Sir_Dodger*** T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor ***
51:48 -|SoI|- J.J. Binks CT man
51:48 -=]DMW]=-Julster T [° -= $tatus Buy: HE-Granate =- °]
51:49 Prof. Dr. W. Plesken   so werdet nur ihr gekickt
51:49 Gravedigger   mann
51:50 -=]DMW]=-Julster T [° -= $tatus Buy: Kevlar+Helmet =- °]
52:01 Prof. Dr. W. Plesken   und ihr TERRORS VOTET VIELLEICHT MAL MIT?

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