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CC|Sniper: "***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restocked: Ammo, Granades, Armor and Items *** "

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust2
Match March 22, 2001, 21:23:26
Player CC|Sniper
Time March 22, 2001, 21:47:18
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
46:54 [LoT]X-Man   nils
47:04 CC|Kane   scheis nvida treiber habe eine total beschiessenes bild
47:12 CC|Nodens   jo, ich auch
47:16 -=B|B=- Dyn@staR T *** AWM/P... ***
47:17 CC|Kane T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: Steyr Aug bzw Sig SG-552 Commando***
47:18 CC|Sniper CT ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restocked: Ammo, Granades, Armor and Items ***
47:23 =HIV=Ptahhotep   neue treiber?
47:49 [TvK]Freddy~Kruger   schon wieder dieser verfickte schattencamper
47:55 CC|Master   jo
47:56 [TvK]Freddy~Kruger   sone schwule socke
48:00 =HIV=Ptahhotep   hm

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