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[ToBo] Belle von Beil: "IT'S TOOL TIME!"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_nuke
Match January 17, 2003, 22:49:37
Player [ToBo] Belle von Beil
Time January 17, 2003, 23:02:04
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
01:13 Omas Liebha[BAER]   noe (:
01:34 Omas Liebha[BAER] T BOMB here... protect it
01:44 |YY|MR.MO   is klar
01:53 [ToBo] Belle von Beil   VISIT US >>><<<
02:00 |YY|MR.MO   bahh
02:04 [ToBo] Belle von Beil CT IT'S TOOL TIME!
02:07 [ToBo] Belle von Beil   STILLSTAND IST DER TOD!!!
02:09 |YY|MR.MO   mach mir keine angst
02:13 |YY|MR.MO   belle
02:13 Eichhoernchen   hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi
02:24 Fruzelmuzel   michi der film is nett guck ma wie der heisst

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