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i/more: "-= AK-47 / M4A1 =- "

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust2
Match January 16, 2003, 14:48:08
Player i/more
Time January 16, 2003, 15:11:47
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
11:07 |YY|Finrod_Celebrindal   nextmap
11:12 Tante Kaethe   vote
11:44 |YY|Finrod_Celebrindal   bah marko du sau !!! ich muss mal wieder ueben ....
11:45 [ToBo] Lufti von Pumpe   !@.... du wichser, wiso tk?!?!?!?!?!?!
11:46 [GeF]-HrvaT-T- T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
11:47 i/more CT -= AK-47 / M4A1 =-
11:54 |YY|Finrod_Celebrindal   I'm listening to Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark (HLamp)
12:13 [GeF]-HrvaT-T-   hrhr Sebi ! Ich war bei TWoG und die haben sich aufgeloest
12:18 |YY|Finrod_Celebrindal   aso
12:23 [GeF]-HrvaT-T-   ROFL
12:24 santablind   ne klar

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