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[kullen]petrus: ".:Weapon dropped:."

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map csde_gimlirats
Match January 13, 2003, 22:07:07
Player [kullen]petrus
Time January 13, 2003, 22:31:10
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
30:26 [kullen]petrus T AWP
30:27 c$n.deepdiver   na hauptsache das MIST....
30:33 c$n.triggon|stoned   lol
30:49 [kullen]petrus T .:Weapon dropped:.
31:00 [kullen]petrus T .:Weapon dropped:.
31:10 [kullen]petrus CT .:Weapon dropped:.
31:31 [kullen]petrus T .:Weapon dropped:.
31:51 [kullen]petrus T .:Weapon dropped:.
32:07 [kullen]petrus T .:Weapon dropped:.
32:22 Jos4m!te   dummen bloeden Geiseln
32:23 c$n.triggon|stoned   lol die hossis sind so daemlich

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