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Kadaffi: "not doing on purpose"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_thunder
Match March 21, 2001, 23:01:47
Player Kadaffi
Time March 21, 2001, 23:19:28
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
19:06 [BaC]Redn   toll gemacht
19:06 Mork von Ork(der Blinde)   weiter so
19:12 Greeman   sorry guz
19:15 Kadaffi   sorry
19:22 Mork von Ork(der Blinde)   knallt euch gegen seitig ab
19:28 Kadaffi CT not doing on purpose
19:36 -=B|B=- Dyn@staR   hiho jj :) hab mal wieder euer wb mit muell vollgestopft :)
24:55 -|Sol|- J.J. Binks T >>>Nur die DESERT EAGLE<<<
25:03 -|Sol|- J.J. Binks   hoi
26:53 -|Sol|- J.J. Binks T >>>Zur Sicherheit: KEVLAR & HELMET<<<
27:29 -|Sol|- J.J. Binks T >>>Restocked: primary ammo<<<

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