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HappyG: "ich idle in euerem channel rum ;D"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map fy_iceworld2k
Match December 17, 2002, 22:07:25
Player HappyG
Time December 17, 2002, 22:25:43
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
24:29 theREALmuhkuh T -= Cover Me, reloading =-
24:38 HappyG   moin myLSRler
24:43 #myLSR|RudeboY   moin wer?
25:03 HappyG   inc|disi
25:28 CC|Killabee   was war das denn bitte?
25:43 HappyG CT ich idle in euerem channel rum ;D
26:26 CC|Killabee   mannomann
26:55 fuck!   wtf?
27:52 fuck!   dam it
27:54 fuck!   fuck!
28:23 theREALmuhkuh T -= Cover Me, reloading =-

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5 Counter-Terrorists - 16 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
[ToBo] von Meissel 11 13 0 0
-=CSIA=-Siwei 4 6 0 0
#myLSR|RudeboY 3 7 0 0
Tinman 2 2 0 0
fuck! 0 1 0 0
  5 Terrorists - 20 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
q!p 21 17 1 0
CC|Killabee 15 21 0 0
theREALmuhkuh 12 12 0 0
HappyG 9 8 0 0
#myLSR|Illuvatar 7 5 0 0
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