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-|SoI|- Dexter Jettster: "...mmmMMMUHAHAHAAAaaa...."

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match December 16, 2002, 20:16:36
Player -|SoI|- Dexter Jettster
Time December 16, 2002, 20:28:09
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
27:50 Q   gut gelaaggeed
28:03 -[TWoG]dR0!d3- T -= AK-47 / M4A1 =-
28:04 Flunder T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
28:07 Q   jaeger ist sauer
28:09 Q   ........
28:09 -|SoI|- Dexter Jettster CT ...mmmMMMUHAHAHAAAaaa....
28:10 Q   mUhaHAhaHa
28:25 aCcEsS_dEnIeD   -:===| Muahahahahahahahahahaha |===:-
28:27 -[TWoG]dR0!d3-   hure
28:36 aCcEsS_dEnIeD   -:===| Muahahahahahahahahahaha |===:-
28:54 [Monster-AG]Erdbaer   ei um 7 hp

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