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Zwerk: "-->Restocked: Items + Ammo<-- "

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_estate
Match December 11, 2002, 20:08:32
Player Zwerk
Time December 11, 2002, 20:23:51
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
22:57 |YY|KartoffelGespenst   rap
22:59 |YY|KartoffelGespenst   ?
23:42 Jose Antonio Fernandez   hmpf
23:46 Jose Antonio Fernandez   mist
23:47 |YY|KartoffelGespenst   kane kannste bidde andere map amchen ?
23:51 Zwerk CT -->Restocked: Items + Ammo<--
23:51 Jose Antonio Fernandez   noe
23:52 Zwerk T -->Bought: MP5 Navy + Items + Ammo<--
23:57 -=cannonfood=- Cyberk T Shield Your Eyes! I'm Throwing a Flashbang!
24:24 -=cannonfood=- Cyberk   timeleft
24:47 Zwerk T -->Bought: AK / Colt + Items + Ammo<--

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