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Jos4m!te: "krass"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match December 9, 2002, 00:05:32
Player Jos4m!te
Time December 9, 2002, 00:23:44
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
23:31 Army~of~HardCore   ich nup
23:35 -|SoI|- sharpshooter   jo
23:37 -|SoI|- Mad***Murdoch   sepp isn blauer depp
23:41 -|SoI|- sharpshooter   kannst nix
23:44 ***der rote pirat*** T een beetje vertrouwen hebben... in de roode piraat! (DESERT)
23:44 Jos4m!te CT krass
23:45 ***der rote pirat*** T Aufgetankt!
23:50 Voogel   sorry for ta
23:55 BluntMan   bin brewit
24:33 BluntMan T sorry
24:39 -|SoI|- DangerSepp   und philipp, wie laeufts? :0) *ruelps*

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