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-|SoI|- Jar Jar: "Hallo Reinhildchen :)"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust2
Match December 8, 2002, 17:15:04
Player -|SoI|- Jar Jar
Time December 8, 2002, 17:17:01
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
16:51 |YY|Comm@nder T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
16:51 Private_Paula   yhi
16:52 rattenfisch T -----> BomB B!
16:53 pimmelpirat T ----Bought Colt/AK47 and HE----
16:54 |YY|Laetitia   hoi Tilochen
17:01 -|SoI|- Jar Jar CT Hallo Reinhildchen :)
17:03 rattenfisch T b ihr vollaersche
17:06 -|SoI|- sharpshooter   manno
17:06 -|SoI|- Kpt.Blaubaer   :D
17:49 Private_Paula   jarjar
17:55 Private_Paula   harhar

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