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-[BitH]- Jupp Schlupp: "----Bought SG552/August and HE---- "

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_inferno
Match November 28, 2002, 18:27:50
Player -[BitH]- Jupp Schlupp
Time November 28, 2002, 18:54:53
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
51:44 .bTCe.Wizard   ja klar
51:56 #myLSR|Pinky T ~^> m4/ak <^~
52:29 [ToBo] Luft! von Pumpe   ich hasse ak
53:39 -[BitH]- Jupp Schlupp T ----Bought SG552/August and HE----
54:20 .bTCe.Wizard   hmmmmmmm
54:53 -[BitH]- Jupp Schlupp CT ----Bought SG552/August and HE----
56:32 .bTCe.Wizard   doh !
56:34 -[BitH]- Jupp Schlupp T ----Bought Colt/AK47 and HE----
56:46 #myLSR|Pinky T ~^> AWM <^~
57:36 -[BitH]- Jupp Schlupp T ----Bought Colt/AK47 and HE----
57:43 .bTCe.Wizard T ich treff akira wieder ei der naechsren btc LAN...

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