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c$n.deepdiver: "vote cs_italy"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_inferno
Match November 24, 2002, 22:25:15
Player c$n.deepdiver
Time November 24, 2002, 22:54:44
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
53:30 - ] - CjP # RaZieL - [ - T -=]GraNadaS + He + Chaleco + Kit ->[CT]<-[=-
53:32 -[VIC]-ExTaSY   ich weiss
53:59 Q   nextmap
54:20 -=cannonfood=- profivo   goil
54:29 -[VIC]-ExTaSY   mst
54:44 c$n.deepdiver CT vote cs_italy
54:53 -[VIC]-ExTaSY   ich kam nimma raus da :(
54:54 Fechtmann   sorry
54:55 dlk^!ng0 T STATUS-REPORT: ---> Sub Machine Gun 'H&K MP5 Navy' <---
54:56 dlk^!ng0 T STATUS-REPORT: ---> Sniper Rifle 'AI Arctic Warfare/Magnum' <---
55:41 -[VIC]-[Red-Wolf]   scheisse ich bin aufeinmal so scheisse

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