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CC|Duron: "man"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_inferno
Match November 17, 2002, 18:32:49
Player CC|Duron
Time November 17, 2002, 18:51:15
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
50:31 EVANGELION-00 T -=| Colt M4A1 Carbine | AK-47 |=-
50:32 EVANGELION-00 T -=| Sig P228 |=-
51:08 CC|Duron   man
51:10 CC|Duron   man
51:12 CC|Duron   man
51:15 CC|Duron CT man
51:23 D3R_PaTi3nT   /top15
51:30 EVANGELION-00 T -=| Colt M4A1 Carbine | AK-47 |=-
51:31 uLtim0r   neee nich switchen
51:33 uLtim0r T -= AK-47 / M4A1 =-
51:42 -Sebastian-   ich kann keinen server suchen nils

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