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-]BR[-imTrain: "-= muuuhaahaahaaha =-"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_arizona
Match August 29, 2002, 16:14:47
Player -]BR[-imTrain
Time August 29, 2002, 16:37:00
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
36:56 [Spongos]Acc12   ing
36:56 Knuddel   war blind :D
36:59 LuLu   jo sorry
36:59 Q T ---]def kit[---
37:00 Q T ---]ammo[---
37:00 -]BR[-imTrain CT -= muuuhaahaahaaha =-
37:02 -]BR[-imTrain   -= muuuhaahaahaaha =-
37:39 Knuddel   AUAUUAUAUAUAUA
37:41 Knuddel   net schon wieder
37:46 Knuddel   immer die tas
37:58 aCcEsS_dEnIeD   ich bin wiedermal im falschen team

[Hide Scoreboard]

8 Counter-Terrorists - 8 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
Knuddel 21 8 0 0
AcidFace 14 9 0 0
aCcEsS_dEnIeD 5 8 0 1
Q 1 1 0 0
LuLu 1 2 0 0
Cereal 0 0 0 0
der.lustige.von.den.drei.beiden 0 1 0 0
  10 Terrorists - 7 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
[Spongos]Acc12 17 9 0 0
-]BR[-Frutti 15 11 0 0
-]BR[-imTrain 9 8 1 0
Gruener.Keks 8 9 0 0
Mad***Murdoch 6 11 2 0
={OGC}=*M4sT3rskiLLoooR* 1 2 0 0
>o|0< 1 3 0 0
>0|o< 1 4 1 0
-]pRmA[-Krusty 0 0 0 0
={OGC}=*M3g4skiLLoooR* 0 2 0 0
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