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-|SoI|- Scully: "ahhhh"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match August 24, 2002, 18:56:47
Player -|SoI|- Scully
Time August 24, 2002, 19:10:03
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
09:36 ]K2[ Der Yeti -dGdG T das macht dann 9 cts ;-)
09:40 |T0.VeNoM|   depp
09:42 |YY|Guinea_Pig T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
09:51 c$n.madgreg   LOL
10:01 |T0.VeNoM|   aber die hab ich :D
10:03 -|SoI|- Scully CT ahhhh
10:04 ]K2[ Der Yeti -dGdG   wahaha
10:06 |T0.VeNoM|   hehe
10:10 -|SoI|- Scully   grrr
10:13 |T0.VeNoM|   ;(
10:15 |T0.VeNoM|   ;)

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10 Counter-Terrorists - 6 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
|YY|Guinea_Pig 9 4 1 0
|T0.VeNoM| 8 5 0 0
c$n.madgreg 5 3 0 0
|BaC|Redn 3 5 0 0
[Cola](Bier)t 3 7 0 0
Hubschrau[BAER] 2 4 0 0
8 1 2 0 0
( 0 0 0 0
(1)[KOKS|ACIDWARZ] 0 0 0 0
Tyrador of 807 0 0 0 0
  9 Terrorists - 1 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
EVANGELION-00 10 7 0 0
-|SoI|- Scully 8 3 0 0
]K2[ Der Yeti -dGdG 7 4 1 0
Merci@testing 5 6 0 0
illuvatar 5 7 1 0
[FAKE]Sonic 4 7 0 0
solid 2 4 0 0
<^>Knuddel-Elmo<^> 0 4 0 0
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