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[KOKS|Hoad]: "was ich machen muss"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_rio
Match August 17, 2002, 16:14:29
Player [KOKS|Hoad]
Time August 17, 2002, 16:18:32
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
18:12 c$n.nevermore T ***Desert***
18:19 [KOKS|Hoad]   mein sound spinnt, waffen alle voll leise und dump
18:21 [KOKS|Hoad]   f
18:27 [KOKS|Hoad]   hat wer nen plan
18:32 c$n.nevermore   ne
18:32 [KOKS|Hoad] CT was ich machen muss
18:36 [KOKS|Hoad]   schade
21:12 c$n.nevermore T ***m4/ak***
22:17 c$n.nevermore T ***m4/ak***
24:01 c$n.nevermore T ***m4/ak***
26:03 c$n.nevermore T ***m4/ak***

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