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-=DoW=-M-Gee: "forgive ta"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_arizona
Match August 6, 2002, 20:44:54
Player -=DoW=-M-Gee
Time August 6, 2002, 20:55:59
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
55:01 -=cannonfood=- Cyberk T Take Cover! I'm Throwing a High Explosive Grenade!
55:21 WSAENOPTROPTOOPT   ne iss klar
55:35 -[WC]- Krusty   forgive ta
55:38 -=DoW=-M-Gee T die gren war nicht der hit...
55:49 -=DoW=-M-Gee T sry krusty
55:59 -=DoW=-M-Gee CT forgive ta
55:59 -=DoW=- Voogel   shit
56:02 -[WC]- Krusty   np musste ja auch nicht los rennen
56:07 --]=Black=Touch==> T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
56:30 hummel   groel
56:48 Bart   fukckck

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