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-FR34K-*!*-$UCK3R-[IRK]***-: "[-*Desert-Eagle*-]"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust2
Match July 29, 2002, 14:57:01
Player -FR34K-*!*-$UCK3R-[IRK]***-
Time July 29, 2002, 15:16:28
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
14:16 LycOs   haha lamer
15:05 -FR34K-*!*-$UCK3R-[IRK]***- T [-*GRENADE*-]
15:25 LycOs   fuck oyu bitch whit awp
15:59 -FR34K-*!*-$UCK3R-[IRK]***-   sorrry fuer die lamerei
16:28 snoopy   moin moin
16:28 -FR34K-*!*-$UCK3R-[IRK]***- CT [-*Desert-Eagle*-]
16:29 -FR34K-*!*-$UCK3R-[IRK]***- T [-*BULLETPROOF-IS-BETTER*-]
17:26 -FR34K-*!*-$UCK3R-[IRK]***- T [-*Mp5-Navy*-]
17:27 -FR34K-*!*-$UCK3R-[IRK]***- T [-*GRENADE*-]
18:05 -FR34K-*!*-$UCK3R-[IRK]***- T [- did anybody need a WEAPON ? -]
18:52 -FR34K-*!*-$UCK3R-[IRK]***- T [-*GRENADE*-]

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