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-[WC]- Krusty: "np"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_aztec
Match July 27, 2002, 20:44:31
Player -[WC]- Krusty
Time July 27, 2002, 21:21:07
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
20:49 -|SoI|- Rufus   thx
20:56 -[rentier]- T ~~> Mein 1ster , 1ster Slot is frei , da soll en Mp-5li rein !
20:56 SpecialForcesSODOM T (-DEAGLE-)
20:57 CC|Schulterkrueppel T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:FNP 90 ***
21:02 -|SoI|- Rufus   ich konnt nicht erkennen ob t oder ct
21:07 -[WC]- Krusty CT np
21:38 Hubschrau[BAER]   forgive tk
21:40 -[rentier]- T ~~> Ich Reloade, schuetz mich solange ! Danke
21:49 c$n.madgreg T am start leigen paar waffen bin weg cu....
22:05 -[rentier]- T ~~> Mein 1ster , 1ster Slot is frei , da soll en Mp-5li rein !
22:05 SpecialForcesSODOM T (-DEAGLE-)

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