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-={:| TurD |:}=-: "?"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_rio
Match July 7, 2002, 12:35:53
Player -={:| TurD |:}=-
Time July 7, 2002, 13:03:16
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
03:04 -aTBoX-   vote de_tpoint
03:05 -={:| TurD |:}=-   vote de_tpoint
03:08 -|SoI|- CHi   hey
03:11 -|SoI|- CHi   was war das
03:15 -={:| TurD |:}=-   wot is tpoint like
03:16 -={:| TurD |:}=- CT ?
03:16 -|SoI|- CHi   die scheibe cheatet
03:21 -|SoI|- Papa Schlumpf   ohh tannebaum, ohhh tannebaum wie gruen sind deine ......
03:27 -aTBoX-   c$n. rulez | Chaos Squad Noobs | | Axl Foley 115334240 | #c-s-n
03:27 [D2E]ANUS-PASTILLE T -[MP5 ist unterwegs]-
04:09 ScheibeToast   hey wer hat mich gekillt?

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