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-|SoI|- Madball: "- COLT / AK47 - "

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match July 3, 2002, 22:04:51
Player -|SoI|- Madball
Time July 3, 2002, 22:20:48
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
20:43 Tu[BAER]kulose   timeleft
20:43 -|SoI|- Dexter Jettster *t*   urks
20:46 -|SoI|- Madball T man kklaus
20:47 |YY|SilentBob   hiho all
20:47 csn.nevermore T ***MP5***
20:48 -|SoI|- Madball CT - COLT / AK47 -
20:50 CC|Spadjaari   sorry fuer tk
20:51 Coocky T ab und zu mal rumdrehen
20:52 cookie   i bet its time for the shotgun :)
20:57 -|SoI|- Scully T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Desert Eagle ***
21:04 -|SoI|- Dexter Jettster *t*   timo, ich war halb tot.... hab vor blut nix mehr gesehen....

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