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-|SoI|- -=Allfatha=-: "unsere Karin die rulerin"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_celtic
Match June 27, 2002, 19:39:38
Player -|SoI|- -=Allfatha=-
Time June 27, 2002, 19:57:56
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
57:11 hans   vergessen
57:14 c$n.axlfoley   np
57:35 c$n.leuchter   mannnn
57:38 -|SoI|- -=Allfatha=-   haaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
57:43 c$n.leuchter   hehehehehhehehehehehe
57:56 -|SoI|- -=Allfatha=- CT unsere Karin die rulerin
57:56 csn.nevermore T ***AWM***
57:59 c$n.leuchter T --->SIG/STEYR<---
57:59 -|SoI|- -=Allfatha=- T -=| H&K MP5-Navy |=-
58:55 c$n.leuchter   mann
58:58 csn.nevermore   waaaaas

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