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Wasserspitze: "na toll"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_office
Match June 27, 2002, 16:06:35
Player Wasserspitze
Time June 27, 2002, 16:11:47
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
09:27 shaman@clansearch T -=| Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor |=-
09:27 !tchY T --->MP5<---
10:32 $cratchY   oh mein gott
10:33 shaman@clansearch T -=| AK-47 |=-
11:34 CC|Killabee   mann wer steht da neben mir tatenlos rum??
11:47 Wasserspitze CT na toll
11:48 G~[BAER]mutter   ich hab dir den ruecken gedeckt killa
11:49 ScheibeToast   ich hab kein radar
11:52 CC|Killabee   lol
11:55 CC|Killabee   vorne war er
12:05 G~[BAER]mutter   ja, hab ich auch merken muessen

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