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-|SoI|- Scully *t*: "<=LOL=>"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_tpoint
Match June 22, 2002, 19:08:19
Player -|SoI|- Scully *t*
Time June 22, 2002, 19:19:52
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
18:04 -|SoI|- Scully *t* T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:H&K MP5-Navy ***
18:05 Morpheus T -=| Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor |=-
19:46 |YY|Seck-TM   : ***aua***
19:47 -|SoI|- sharpshooter   man seck das warn doch nur 7!
19:52 |YY|Seck-TM   jo eben
19:52 -|SoI|- Scully *t* CT <=LOL=>
19:58 Morpheus T -=| Colt M4A1 Carbine |=-
19:58 -|SoI|- Scully *t* T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
20:04 |YY|Seck-TM   bin heute nich in form
20:11 G0sU T --->DEAGLE<---
20:30 |YY|Seck-TM   : ***aua***

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