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SpecialForcesSODOM: "(-SCOUT-) "

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_parma1
Match June 9, 2002, 23:52:13
Player SpecialForcesSODOM
Time June 10, 2002, 00:00:06
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
59:17 -|SoI|- Jar Jar   schade auch
59:17 -|SoI|- Tekener   nee, ich hab den gemutet... d.h. das muesste patient sein.
59:18 |YY|Guinea_Pig T klaus kennst di won id361477?
59:24 SpecialForcesSODOM T (-SCOUT-)
00:00 -|SoI|- Tekener   wo warst du pig?
00:06 SpecialForcesSODOM CT (-SCOUT-)
00:30 SpecialForcesSODOM T forgive ta
00:31 -|SoI|- Jar Jar   Sorry!
01:13 SpecialForcesSODOM T (-USP-)
01:45 -|SoI|- Schiess Du zuerst   hi bin auch mal wieder da
02:00 [QVC]Kalkwandler   sorry

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