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[DIO]Lethal-Weapon: "votemap 33"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_aldi
Match June 8, 2002, 23:23:48
Player [DIO]Lethal-Weapon
Time June 8, 2002, 23:35:23
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
35:05 Fozzi[BAER]   cu
35:09 d-e-x   lol
35:09 |YY|Seck-TM T werm
35:11 [DIO]Trabbel   mmh
35:16 |YY|Seck-TM T leier mal wer den fahrstuhl hoch
35:23 [DIO]Lethal-Weapon CT votemap 33
35:27 |YY|Seck-TM T huhu
35:30 |YY|Seck-TM T ich sitz dahinter
35:34 [EKK]D3R_PaTi3nT   warum haste eben gesagt fink halts maul??
35:34 |YY|Seck-TM T die bombe is unten
35:46 d-e-x   darum

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