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|fz| $chiess_|)u_Zu3rst: "mh?"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_cbble
Match June 4, 2002, 21:13:37
Player |fz| $chiess_|)u_Zu3rst
Time June 4, 2002, 21:20:25
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
16:47 |fz| $chiess_|)u_Zu3rst ___ViSiT uS___
17:27 <=]UF[=>SweetLittleDevil   forgive ta
18:00 <=]UF[=>SweetLittleDevil   whattime
20:08 -=cannonfood=- profivo   koks is stoned
20:14 <=]UF[=>SweetLittleDevil   <=LOL=>
20:25 |fz| $chiess_|)u_Zu3rst CT mh?
20:29 |fz| $chiess_|)u_Zu3rst T H&K MP5-Navy
20:29 <=]UF[=>SweetLittleDevil T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
21:41 -|SoI|- Eonar   i smoke 2 joints before i smoke 2 joints and then i smoke 2 more
21:59 |fz| $chiess_|)u_Zu3rst   och mist LOL
22:00 |fz| $chiess_|)u_Zu3rst T AK-47 | Colt M4A1 Carbine

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