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Morpheus: "-=| Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor |=- "

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_revenge
Match May 25, 2002, 18:25:33
Player Morpheus
Time May 25, 2002, 18:38:44
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
38:28 ~~::wandapanda::~~   cool!
38:34 [EKK]AnimalMother   toll ne
38:35 -=cannonfood=- Cyberk T Shield Your Eyes! I'm Throwing a Flashbang!
38:37 ~~::wandapanda::~~   schreib aber auch ins gaestebuch, ja???
38:42 CC|Killabee   na endlich
38:44 Morpheus CT -=| Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor |=-
38:44 EVANGELION-00 T -=| H&K MP5-Navy |=-
38:45 <=]UF[=>SweetLittleDevil T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: Steyr Aug bzw Sig SG-552 Commando***
38:45 [EKK]AnimalMother   siehst mal was ich fuer ein netter mensch bin:)
38:46 RockInGeR T |- m4a1 / ak47 -|
38:46 [EKK]AnimalMother T -==<| H&K MP5-Navy |>==-

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