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[ewoq.Klesk]: "-< ReLoAdInG wEaPoN. cOvEr mE! >-"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_museum
Match April 10, 2002, 20:27:06
Player [ewoq.Klesk]
Time April 10, 2002, 20:49:09
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
46:13 [-u-] Darkos T -[ Reloading Weapon. Cover me! ]-
46:20 [-u-] Darkos T -[ Reloading Weapon. Cover me! ]-
47:51 [-u-] Darkos   :p
47:53 [-u-] Darkos T -[ Bought: AK47 / M4A1 ]-
47:54 QAMPA_Frutti   .
49:09 [ewoq.Klesk] CT -< ReLoAdInG wEaPoN. cOvEr mE! >-
49:14 [-u-] Darkos T -[ Reloading Weapon. Cover me! ]-
49:46 [-u-] Darkos T -[ Reloading Weapon. Cover me! ]-
50:35 [-u-] Darkos T -[ Bought: AK47 / M4A1 ]-
50:56 [-u-] Darkos T -[ Reloading Weapon. Cover me! ]-
51:38 |YY|TOTO   deep ich geh CU :)

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