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-|SoI|- Tekener: "hi doci"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_aztec
Match March 18, 2002, 23:39:50
Player -|SoI|- Tekener
Time March 18, 2002, 23:41:06
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
40:12 Nigga behind Tha Trigga   was soll die scheisse????
40:13 [EKK]AnimalMother T *** -==|> Desert Eagle <|==- ***
40:16 -|SoI|- Doc Green   aeeeh ja
40:27 -|SoI|- Doc Green   muttern krank?
41:02 -|SoI|- Doc Green   och noe
41:06 -|SoI|- Tekener CT hi doci
41:09 =HIV=BananaJoe   doc, du luuuuucker
41:11 -|SoI|- Doc Green   HUHU TEKI
41:20 -|SoI|- Doc Green   das hat mit luck so wirklich gar nichts zu tun
41:27 -|SoI|- Tekener   muss mal die buletten versohlen...
41:27 [EKK] Arbeitslos T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Desert Eagle ***

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6 Counter-Terrorists - 0 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
|jaeger|meister 2 1 0 0
Nigga behind Tha Trigga 1 0 0 0
Streptococcus 0 0 0 0
steve 0 0 0 0
-=) KI [] Killer (=- 0 1 0 0
=HIV=BananaJoe 0 1 0 0
  7 Terrorists - 0 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
bullets|Glocke 1 0 0 0
-|SoI|- Doc Green 1 1 0 0
[EKK]AnimalMother 1 1 0 0
-=cannonfood=- Cyberk 0 0 0 0
[EKK] Arbeitslos 0 0 0 0
][CsN][Mitnal 0 0 0 0
UMAX 0 1 0 0
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