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[EKK]Fred Durst: "huhu"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_revenge
Match March 1, 2002, 19:11:52
Player [EKK]Fred Durst
Time March 1, 2002, 19:26:13
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
21:09 tele T deagle
22:22 [BaC]Redn   lool
22:45 tele T ak/m4a1
24:13 bullets|dyn@staR T awm
26:01 HeadbanG   hallo miteinander
26:13 [EKK]Fred Durst CT huhu
26:17 bullets|dyn@staR   hoi
31:19 Nicht_Gumble_nur_Fighter T gegen 2 leute das mueste machbar sein
32:31 bullets|dyn@staR T awm
32:33 bullets|dyn@staR T deagle
33:17 Kevin Smith   hi all

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