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][CsN][***MadGreg***: "hehe"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_museum
Match February 27, 2002, 20:52:32
Player ][CsN][***MadGreg***
Time February 27, 2002, 21:12:02
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
10:39 ][CsN][***MadGreg***   jaaaaa WOOHOO
11:38 ][CsN][***MadGreg*** T I SEE BOMB
12:00 <=]UF[=>SweetLittleDevil   shit mit ner HE in der hand
12:02 |YY|SilentBob   dreckshupe
12:02 ][CsN][***MadGreg*** CT hehe
12:07 |YY|TOTO   lol
12:08 |YY|SilentBob   na sicher
12:12 -d3xt0r-   aha
12:30 |YY|SilentBob   mann hat der n cray fuer die zielberechnung eingebaut???
12:44 |YY|SilentBob   endlich

[Hide Scoreboard]

6 Counter-Terrorists - 3 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
-d3xt0r- 11 7 0 0
|YY|SilentBob 7 9 0 0
|YY|Guinea_Pig 6 10 1 0
][CsN][***MadGreg*** 5 13 0 0
the first one that died 1 7 0 0
Brunswicker 0 1 0 0
  4 Terrorists - 9 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
|YY|TOTO 12 8 0 0
QAMPA_Frutti 10 9 0 0
[BaC]Redn 2 7 0 0
<=]UF[=>SweetLittleDevil 0 4 0 0
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