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Server Stats of ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike

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Player Stats

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Dates & Times
First Seen January 22, 2003, 20:52:41
Last Seen May 10, 2003, 00:39:31
Real Time Period 107:02:46:50 (108 days)
Total Play Time 1:06:27:49 (1828 minutes)
Average Play Time 16:55 per day, 1:58:28 per week

CT Play Time 15:37:55 (51%, 938 minutes)
T Play Time 14:49:54 (49%, 890 minutes)
Own Team Wins 583 (39%, 277 CT, 306 T)
Rounds As CT 747 (50% of all, 37% won)
Rounds As T 759 (50% of all, 40% won)
CT Kills 115 (49% of all, 0.1226 per minute)
T Kills 122 (51% of all, 0.1371 per minute)
CT Deaths 464 (47% of all, 0.4947 per minute)
T Deaths 516 (53% of all, 0.5798 per minute)
CT Kills/CT Deaths 0.2478 (20% kills, 80% deaths)
T Kills/T Deaths 0.2364 (19% kills, 81% deaths)
Bombs Planted 21
Bombs Defused 2
Bombs Exploded 3
Hostages Touched 8
Hostages Rescued 0
Hostages Killed 2
Larger And Winning 21
Winning Team 63
Made Larger Team 85
Balanced Teams 73
Made Smaller Team 14
Losing Team 44
Kills 237 (0.1296 per minute)
Deaths 980 (0.5361 per minute)
Kills/Deaths 0.2418 (19% kills, 81% deaths)
Kills In Real Time 2.19 per day, 15.36 per week
Deaths In Real Time 9.07 per day, 63.52 per week
Team Kills 7 (2.95% of total kills)
Team Deaths 6 (0.61% of total deaths)
Suicides 14 (1.43% of total deaths)
Per Match (101 Played)
Best Kills/Deaths Ratio 1.00 (5:5)
Worst Kills/Deaths Ratio 0.00 (0:20)
Most Kills 8 (8:9)
Most Deaths 37 (2:37)
Average Kills 2.34
Most Kills Per Minute 0.97
Per Round (1506 Played)
Most Kills 3
Average Kills 0.15
Most Kills Per Minute 9.99
Fastest Kill Time 6
Slowest Kill Time 3:51
Average First Kill Time 47
Map de_dust2
Weapon sg552
Team Counter-Terrorists

Total 1052 (100%)
By Skill 792 75.29%
By Kills/Deaths 242 23%
By Bombs Planted 14 1.33%
By Bombs Defused 1 0.1%
By Bombs Exploded 2 0.19%
By Hostages Touched 1 0.1%
By Hostages Rescued 0 0%
By Hostages Killed 0 0%

Current 792
Incidents 1248
Maximum 1014 (+222)
Minimum 632 (-160)

Names Waveman
Zaphod von Zange
Total 504
First "ywas ein gelaberte"
Last "tww"
Random " andre hoerst du mich____"
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