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Server Stats of ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike

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Player Stats
[GKZN] Massif

[Statistics] [Skill History] [Maps] [Weapons] [Servers]

Dates & Times
First Seen January 9, 2003, 18:23:55
Last Seen January 9, 2003, 18:37:46
Real Time Period 13:51 (1 day)
Total Play Time 10:58 (11 minutes)
Average Play Time 10:58 per day, 1:16:46 per week

CT Play Time 8:07 (74%, 8 minutes)
T Play Time 2:51 (26%, 3 minutes)
Own Team Wins 5 (56%, 5 CT, 0 T)
Rounds As CT 6 (67% of all, 83% won)
Rounds As T 3 (33% of all, 0% won)
CT Kills 4 (100% of all, 0.5000 per minute)
T Kills 0 (0% of all, 0.0000 per minute)
CT Deaths 6 (75% of all, 0.7500 per minute)
T Deaths 2 (25% of all, 0.6667 per minute)
CT Kills/CT Deaths 0.6667 (40% kills, 60% deaths)
T Kills/T Deaths 0.0000 (0% kills, 100% deaths)
Bombs Planted 0
Bombs Defused 0
Bombs Exploded 0
Hostages Touched 0
Hostages Rescued 0
Hostages Killed 0
Larger And Winning 0
Winning Team 0
Made Larger Team 1
Balanced Teams 1
Made Smaller Team 0
Losing Team 2
Kills 4 (0.3636 per minute)
Deaths 8 (0.7273 per minute)
Kills/Deaths 0.5000 (33% kills, 67% deaths)
Kills In Real Time 4 per day, 28 per week
Deaths In Real Time 8 per day, 56 per week
Team Kills 0 (0% of total kills)
Team Deaths 0 (0% of total deaths)
Suicides 0 (0% of total deaths)
Per Match (1 Played)
Best Kills/Deaths Ratio 0.50 (4:8)
Worst Kills/Deaths Ratio 0.50 (4:8)
Most Kills 4 (4:8)
Most Deaths 8 (4:8)
Average Kills 4.00
Most Kills Per Minute 0.36
Per Round (9 Played)
Most Kills 1
Average Kills 0.44
Most Kills Per Minute 0.83
Fastest Kill Time 25
Slowest Kill Time 42
Average First Kill Time 33
Map cs_italy
Weapon m4a1
Team Counter-Terrorists

Total 1454 (100%)
By Skill 954 65.61%
By Kills/Deaths 500 34.39%
By Bombs Planted 0 0%
By Bombs Defused 0 0%
By Bombs Exploded 0 0%
By Hostages Touched 0 0%
By Hostages Rescued 0 0%
By Hostages Killed 0 0%

Current 954
Incidents 13
Maximum 1016 (+62)
Minimum 954 (-0)

Names [GKZN] Massif
[GKZN] Stimpy
Total 2
First "Wo war der"
Last "Wasserdspritze ist so ein schwuler camper"
Random "Wasserdspritze ist so ein schwuler camper"
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