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Server Stats of ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike

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Player Stats

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Dates & Times
First Seen December 15, 2001, 21:14:06
Last Seen June 25, 2002, 23:25:50
Real Time Period 192:01:11:44 (193 days)
Total Play Time 5:00:16:49 (7217 minutes)
Average Play Time 37:23 per day, 4:21:44 per week

CT Play Time 2:07:59:45 (47%, 3360 minutes)
T Play Time 2:16:17:04 (53%, 3857 minutes)
Own Team Wins 2497 (49%, 1107 CT, 1390 T)
Rounds As CT 2391 (47% of all, 46% won)
Rounds As T 2705 (53% of all, 51% won)
CT Kills 1780 (46% of all, 0.5298 per minute)
T Kills 2100 (54% of all, 0.5445 per minute)
CT Deaths 1612 (46% of all, 0.4798 per minute)
T Deaths 1896 (54% of all, 0.4916 per minute)
CT Kills/CT Deaths 1.1042 (52% kills, 48% deaths)
T Kills/T Deaths 1.1076 (53% kills, 47% deaths)
Bombs Planted 186
Bombs Defused 41
Bombs Exploded 61
Hostages Touched 133
Hostages Rescued 41
Hostages Killed 15
Larger And Winning 47
Winning Team 115
Made Larger Team 258
Balanced Teams 225
Made Smaller Team 75
Losing Team 167
Kills 3880 (0.5376 per minute)
Deaths 3508 (0.4861 per minute)
Kills/Deaths 1.1060 (53% kills, 47% deaths)
Kills In Real Time 20.1 per day, 140.73 per week
Deaths In Real Time 18.18 per day, 127.23 per week
Team Kills 44 (1.13% of total kills)
Team Deaths 29 (0.83% of total deaths)
Suicides 37 (1.05% of total deaths)
Per Match (413 Played)
Best Kills/Deaths Ratio 10.00 (10:1)
Worst Kills/Deaths Ratio 0.00 (0:7)
Most Kills 40 (40:12)
Most Deaths 27 (16:27)
Average Kills 9.39
Most Kills Per Minute 2.60
Per Round (5096 Played)
Most Kills 6
Average Kills 0.76
Most Kills Per Minute 15.00
Fastest Kill Time -50
Slowest Kill Time 3:48
Average First Kill Time 39
Map de_dust2
Weapon m4a1
Team Terrorists

Total 2241 (100%)
By Skill 1071 47.79%
By Kills/Deaths 1106 49.35%
By Bombs Planted 36 1.61%
By Bombs Defused 8 0.36%
By Bombs Exploded 12 0.54%
By Hostages Touched 7 0.31%
By Hostages Rescued 2 0.09%
By Hostages Killed -1 -0.04%

Current 1071
Incidents 7391
Maximum 1284 (+213)
Minimum 897 (-174)

WARNING: a least one WONID
has too many names to display
Names [EKK]AnimalMother
Total 5502
First "nabend"
Last "wo warste eben?"
Random "hi @ all !!!"
Storyteller BETA 2.1 © 2001 by Ptahhotep and RollingThunder