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$ Fabe $$ killed Docteur Feelgood with m4a1

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_rio
Match November 23, 2003, 19:08:13
Round November 23, 2003, 19:21:11
Time November 23, 2003, 19:22:31
Winner $ Fabe $$ (T)
Loser Docteur Feelgood (CT)
Weapon m4a1
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
25:36 $ LAAPor $$   forgivetk
25:56 Docteur Feelgood   sorry but yopu shot me
26:07 $ LAAPor $$   sorry des auto team change verwirrt so
30:24 Docteur Feelgood   why is there so mutch spectators not playing ?
30:33 $ LAAPor $$   map down load
30:40 Docteur Feelgood   k
30:49 $ Fabe $$   sry
31:00 $ Fabe $$   was alone, bevore you came
31:27 Docteur Feelgood   fukkkk
37:45 Docteur Feelgood   /hp

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