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Fozzi[BAER] killed [K.O.K.S.]Kotnascher[SQA] with ak47

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_godfather
Match February 11, 2001, 23:34:19
Round February 11, 2001, 23:46:43
Time February 11, 2001, 23:47:26
Winner Fozzi[BAER] (T)
Loser [K.O.K.S.]Kotnascher[SQA] (CT)
Weapon ak47
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
47:33 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks   also ich war schon um die ecke
47:50 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks   blaubaer?
47:53 [K.O.K.S.]Kotnascher[SQA]   ping pong
47:54 tHALER T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restocked: Primary ammo ***
47:56 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks CT >>>Zur Sicherheit: KEVLAR & HELMET<<<
48:18 [K.O.K.S.]Kotnascher[SQA]   haha
48:20 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks   wiist ihr was ich hasse?
48:40 Hubschrau[BAER] CT xcvb=-op[]p[9ujiouty6gerswqe
48:44 [K.O.K.S.]Kotnascher[SQA]   ich wollte doch nur ma den pool antesten
48:47 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks   ich hasse es, wenn das schalldaempfer aufschrauben os lange dauert

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