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do killed Lowland[JR] with m4a1

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_inferno
Match September 15, 2003, 19:10:03
Round September 15, 2003, 19:15:43
Time September 15, 2003, 19:16:57
Winner do (CT)
Loser Lowland[JR] (T)
Weapon m4a1
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
17:05 Schnubbi T <<< ReSt0cKeD iTeMs >>>
17:07 -quake-   hrhr steam gingauf
17:09 -quake-   kackding
17:15 Schnubbi   sach blos
18:11 -quake-   omg
18:11 Schnubbi T <<< ReSt0cKeD iTeMs >>>
18:13 Brainbug T ***Status Bericht: Colt M4A1 Carbine bzw. Ak-47***
19:04 -quake-   hab bock auf 1.6
19:38 thnikl   fuck bin ich doof
19:38 Schnubbi T <<< ReSt0cKeD iTeMs >>>

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