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Suicide of oi.btce.Wizard with world

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map fy_iceworld2k
Match August 8, 2003, 21:00:58
Round August 8, 2003, 21:08:15
Time August 8, 2003, 21:08:22
Winner oi.btce.Wizard (T)
Loser oi.btce.Wizard (T)
Weapon world
Team Kill no
Suicide yes
Time Player Team Text
08:30 oi.btce.Wizard   ?
08:43 Seba@Einspielen T -] usp [-
08:44 Seba@Einspielen T -] colt -- ak [-
09:21 Seba@Einspielen T -] restock items [-
09:53 oi.btce.Wizard   sauber
09:54 Seba@Einspielen T -] usp [-
09:54 Seba@Einspielen T -] restock items [-
10:17 Seba@Einspielen T -] kevlar -- he -- flashs [-
10:47 SPEEDY   vice???
11:01 oi.btce.Wizard   watt?

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