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[ sAa - KURT ] killed Kevvvv with awp

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_assault
Match February 7, 2003, 21:04:03
Round February 7, 2003, 21:24:23
Time February 7, 2003, 21:24:39
Winner [ sAa - KURT ] (T)
Loser Kevvvv (CT)
Weapon awp
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
24:41 -=*Fcf*=-[=>TonQ<=]   pfffffff
24:49 Kevvvv   tain mais c injouable y rush !
24:56 -=*FcF*=-[=>Tsahal_girl<=]   G LES NERFS
24:59 -=*FcF*=-[=>Ptit_Oinj<=]   ca lag
25:00 Turkish_Patriot   gg
25:04 Kevvvv   z etes des gays les terros a rusher
25:05 [ sAa - KURT ]   hein ??
25:16 -=*FcF*=-[=>Ptit_Oinj<=] T -=*FcF*=-[=> Equipe d'une M4A1, Munitions & Gilet Pares-Balles <=]
25:17 [ sAa - KURT ]   tu veuz que on campes ?
25:30 -=*FcF*=-[=>Ptit_Oinj<=] T -=*FcF*=-[=> Je recharge, Couvrez moi !!! <=]

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