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-|SoI|- DangerSepp killed -]pRmA[- Illuvatar with deagle

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_tpoint
Match August 30, 2002, 19:31:17
Round August 30, 2002, 19:31:50
Time August 30, 2002, 19:32:18
Winner -|SoI|- DangerSepp (T)
Loser -]pRmA[- Illuvatar (CT)
Weapon deagle
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
32:21 [FAKE]Sonic   gonzo ich mag dich nicht
32:25 Gonzo   lol
32:27 Gruener.Keks   forgive ta
32:31 Q T ---]ak/colt[---
32:33 EVANGELION-00 T -=| AK-47 |=-
32:45 -[MaF]-Chefkoch T -=| Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor |=-
33:22 Q   jahahahaha....lachwech^^ ... looooool :D
33:23 Q T ---]usp[---
33:26 EVANGELION-00 T -=| Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor |=-
33:26 -[MaF]-Chefkoch   ich hasse es mit einer handfeuerwaffe gegen ak zu kaempfen

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