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[JoD]Falke killed Noqqe with aug

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust
Match April 2, 2001, 18:27:49
Round April 2, 2001, 18:40:55
Time April 2, 2001, 18:41:18
Winner [JoD]Falke (CT)
Loser Noqqe (T)
Weapon aug
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
41:20 CC|Sniper   Was
41:29 VenusMoerder   fuck... :-)
41:47 CC|Sniper   ich trff alles nur die kleinen blauen Maenchen nicht!
41:54 [KeH]Lord_Helmi   grr muni hat gefehlt
41:55 RD_ChampioN   jo
42:11 VenusMoerder   soo...ich mach mich mal vom acker....CU all! Bin heute nacht veilleicht nochmal da.
42:11 ***FallenAngel***Gabriel*** T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor ***
42:12 [-Sons-] Morpheus T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor ***
42:13 CC|Sniper T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restocked: Ammo, Granades, Armor and Items ***
42:16 CC|Sniper   cu

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