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Omas Liebha[BAER] killed -|SoI|- Lightbringer *t* with ak47

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match July 9, 2002, 04:04:31
Round July 9, 2002, 04:32:50
Time July 9, 2002, 04:33:32
Winner Omas Liebha[BAER] (CT)
Loser -|SoI|- Lightbringer *t* (T)
Weapon ak47
Team Kill no
Suicide no
Time Player Team Text
33:38 -|SoI|- sharpshooter T forgive ta
33:40 -|Sol|- Jar Jar   ich haette doch in einen helm investieren sollen :)
33:42 -|SoI|- Lightbringer *t* T (SIG bzw. AUG)
34:27 -|Sol|- Jar Jar   rolf
34:34 -|SoI|- Lightbringer *t*   wer is rolf
34:37 -|SoI|- Lightbringer *t* T (SIG bzw. AUG)
34:41 -|Sol|- Jar Jar   rolf eben :)
35:00 -|SoI|- sharpshooter   nextmap
35:03 -=]MfY[=-cpt_cork   nu aber n8

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